About this Event
Systemic Constellation Workshop are a transformative approach to gaining deeper insight into the intractable problems we all face at different times. In 2024 WITY Coaching will offer eight Constellation Workshop sessions. Each session will have a dedicated focus and will be run by skilled WITY facilitators working within a supportive group setting. The facilitator will utilise their knowledge of system dynamics with the powerful constellation method to reveal the underlying and powerful patterns that shape our relationships and our ability to thrive in both personal and professional spheres. Participants will leave each session with insight, knowledge and practical steps to apply to their particular professional and personal situation.
We will explore two topics in depth during the workshop. If you choose to bring a theme for exploration, it may be a current or recurring issue, relationship challenges, fears you may be experiencing, or any difficulties within your professional life.
Those who observe and/or represent roles within the constellation process will gain valuable insights and learn from participating in this profound experience.
To participate, advanced registration is required.
Reserve your spot today and embark on a transformative journey towards peak performance and life-enhancing results.
This workshop will explore the organising principles that ensure the health of business systems. When business leaders and owners ensure these principles underpin the everyday workings of their business then everyone can find their place and make their contribution. Exercises will explore particular circumstances where there are disruptions to these principles to enable a return to business health.
What are systems?
Multiple systems shape humans. Family is the most fundamental; ancestors and parents influence behavior, personality, and choices. Other systems, such as nationality, religion, and profession, also impact us. Understanding these systems helps identify obstacles and opportunities for growth.
What challenges can be examined in a Constellation?
Systemic Constellations help break new ground, find solutions, and understand difficult situations. It works on any therapeutic or coaching subject, giving insight into the system under examination. The client can choose a mindful path forward for a healthier relationship with the issue.
What is the theoretical basis of the systemic Constellation?
Systemic Constellation combines therapeutic techniques from Satir, Moreno, and Perls, synthesized by Bert Hellinger. Originally used in therapy, it's now applied in businesses (Weber, Stam) and schools (Frank), and as a personal consulting and coaching tool with NLP techniques.
Is there any connection with any religious or spiritualist line?
No. It is a personal and therapeutic development technique, like many others.
Who can have an issue constellated?
Anyone over the age of 15 who has a problem, blockage, or something that bothers them. One cannot constellate a problem of another person: father, mother, partner, siblings, boss, etc. The only exception is that, by the principle of hierarchy, parents can constellate issues involving their children.
Can I do Constellation in someone else's place?
Systemic Constellation can address issues affecting you personally, allowing concrete actions towards change. It doesn't focus on others' problems but on how they affect you. A change in you can affect the whole system, bringing balance and benefiting others.
How many sessions are needed?
One session is usually enough per theme in systemic constellations. Immediate insights occur through somatic awareness and continue to appear over time. Clients should allow the process to work on them for a while. Additional constellations can be done for other matters in consultation.
How long does it last, and what is its value?
The group session lasts 3 hours. It costs $129 to participate as an observer or to bring your theme to be constellated.
How does the family constellation work in a group?
In group constellations, participants represent elements of a relationship being examined. Facilitator helps client clarify the facts and choose representatives. Participants shouldn't have prior knowledge of the system being examined. Insights gained offer new ways for the client to move forward.
What is the difference between group and individual Constellation work?
Group constellations: participants represent system elements, share sensations/emotions, facilitator guides towards alignment.
Individual constellations: client takes on element sensations/emotions, facilitated alignment.
What happens after the Constellation?
Constellations bring about long-lasting changes. After the session, the person continues to process the experience, leading to subtle or profound differences in consciousness. Even distant family members or those involved in the field can feel the effects of these changes.
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