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Where the Future Works

Salesforce just finished their kickoff event for the year in Singapore, where Marc Benioff (Salesforce CEO) and Bret Taylor (Salesforce COO) brought their ideas about “Where the Future Works.” We are living a glib of the future. As a data-driven company, Salesforce is looking at how the COVID-19 pandemic shapes people’s attitudes about current work environments and their perceptions of the future of work. Embracing a 360 view can help you and your company grows.

People expect positive long-term change from their employers; I’m going to share some insights from a particular survey to why organizations need to reimagine every aspect of their operations to move their business forward and positively impact society. 

Working from anywhere is the new norm, but more access to technology is needed.

In a world where coming into the office as large teams are restricted and limited, companies and their employees have transformed the “traditional workplace” and have adapted to new working environments. The focus has shifted to digital-first engagements and experiences, while remote working has become commonplace across the globe. 60% of respondents expect working from home to become the new norm. Technology is critical for companies to continue keeping employees safe and businesses running smoothly. Over one-third of non-remote workers globally say they do not have the technology to work from anywhere effectively. 

Employees know they need to adapt, expect companies to prioritize support in reskilling.

As new ways of working become the new norm for the near-term future, employee focus is now shifting to personal development. In fact, 65% of employees believe that workforce development must be a high priority for businesses, and 70% say technology should play a significant role within it. This year has highlighted that planning can be difficult. Many businesses and employees are experiencing economic hardship, and uncertainty persists around job security. For this reason, workers have a renewed focus on reskilling. Half of the respondents (50%) say they are more interested in online learning/training since COVID-19. The value of new skills is also becoming more commonplace in employees’ eyes, with 95% of respondents saying adaptability and 93% said the collaboration would be important skills over the next six months. 

Employee safety and well-being are paramount. 

The effects of multiple ongoing crises – health, financial, and social – are taking their toll on employees. They have concerns around access to jobs, access to healthcare, racial inequality, and worries about the environment. Increasingly, people believe that businesses should help move the needle on critical societal issues. Sixty-one percent of respondents believe that businesses should make closing the gap on global inequalities a priority. Technology has the potential to help employees stay healthy and keep an individual’s well-being top of mind. In the current pandemic, around four in five respondents (79%) believe that workplace safety should be a high priority for businesses. 

My question to you is: “What are you going to do for the future to work for you? Everything has changed; you have to change too and adapt to the New Norm, where technology plays a significant role. If you need some support on how to get organized, use technology in your favor and have better relationships, maybe it is time for a coaching session. PM me if you want to know how to start.


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