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The Book That Inspires Me

Recently I was invited to talk about sales techniques for real estate professionals in Brazil, Ninja Selling is an engaging book that inspired me. Not only because it’s filled with a can-do attitude and inspirational stories, but because the book has plenty to offer for sales professionals looking to improve. You will learn important habits, that I teach on my coaching practice like affirmations or a morning routine, that sales professionals can use immediately to improve their performance on the job. Some takeaways I like from the book are: 

  1. The goal of the Ninja Selling system is to increase your income per hour.
  2. People love to buy — but they hate to be sold. The key is to help them buy without letting them think they’ve been sold.
  3. Consumers will pay good money to accomplish two things: solve a problem or create pleasure. Tailor your sales techniques to match.
  4. Learn to ask questions — stop talking and listen! Ask about:
    • F: Family and friends
    • O: Occupation
    • R: Recreation
    • D: Dreams
  5. Remember to stay customer-centric — it’s not about you, it’s about them. Your client’s home is their most important asset, and it’s stressful to buy or sell. Help them through these life-changing transactions, and you’ll gain raving fans!

I was able to implement many things from this book into my business, the main one is separating time weekly to call my clients and potential clients to keep them in my flow. Check it out also the planner related to the book and see how this tips can help your business.


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