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My Annual Goals

Most people equate success with how much money they have. However, success is not always measured by a person’s wealth. There are other things to look for in this world that don’t come with a price tag, like your health, self-growth, your career, the relationships you establish during your life, your spiritual growth, the philanthropy work you do , and the impact you have on the environment.

One of the most significant changes in my life occurred when I learned to create a structure to measure my annual goals in 2011. I learned from three different people and created my own model, which helped me to grow in all the areas I mentioned above.

First, you must write what is truly successful for you, in a paragraph. Then choose five things to focus on this year. In the sequence, include a paragraph explaining your life mission.

After that, you will choose at least five items in each of these categories: Self-growth goals, Health goals, Professional goals, Relationship goals, Spiritual goals, Economic goals, Philanthropy goals and Goals as a mother / father / daughter / son.

You need to include trips and important dates month by month as well, as they definitely affect your strategy. In the last part, I always include a summary of the family budget, where I have the main categories of my expenses and the amount agreed to spend monthly on each one. This helps me to keep an eye on this subject as well, and enable me to save money for my short, medium and long term goals.

The last sentence that I include is the following: “Let the universe fulfill my wishes in the best possible way, thanks for all the blessings received.”

Voalá, your annual goals are  ready! Now you must print this paper and keep it in a place that can be checked constantly. I read mine once a week and whenever I complete a task, I highlight it. I have accomplished at least 80% of what I set out to do in the last ten years. Everything you measure can be changed. Why don’t you try to create your goal plan for this year?


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