More than almost any other type of transaction, there’s a lot at stake when you buy or sell a business. This podcast is geared to both buyers and sellers and covers a wide range of concepts which need to be understood in this complex and detailed transaction, no matter which side of the table you’re sitting on!
What will attendees take away? A pragmatic tip for buying and selling a business, strategies to improve business value, and a business valuation calculator.
Topics include:
- The Elements of a Business Sale
- Business Valuation
- Recasting Financial Statements
- Business Financing
- Value Drivers
- Asset vs. Stock Sales
- Purchase Price Allocation
- Why and When to Buy or Sell
Guest: Bill Scott
Phone: 303-499-6008 / 970 215-2293
Social Media:
Bio: Mr. Scott’s experience includes many facets of Business Ownership and Management over a 35-year period. He is a Civil Engineering Graduate of Colorado State University. His areas of expertise include Engineering, Manufacturing, Distribution, Consulting, Construction and Service Providers. He has unique experience with emerging technical markets such as solar, wind and hydrogen energy, and with emerging consumer markets such as home elevators. He has successfully sold businesses that he started from scratch and has been involved in strategic mergers and acquisitions.
Guest: Suzanne De Lucia
Phone: (303) 499-6008 / (888) 521-8219
Social Media:
Bio: Suzanne M. De Lucia, Fellow of the IBBA, CBI – President. Ms. De Lucia has been a business broker in Colorado since 1986. Prior to that, she spent six years as a chemical engineer and has owned both distribution and food manufacturing businesses. She holds an MBA from the University of Northern Colorado with an emphasis in
Management, as well as a Chemical Engineering degree from the University of Colorado, and a BS in Biology from the University of Denver. Suzanne has been selected as a Fellow of the International Business Brokers Association (IBBA), the association’s highest honor. She has also earned the IBBA’s Certified Business Intermediary (CBI). Suzanne has served on the IBBA Board of Directors, and as Vice-Chairman of several committees in the IBBA. She is a founding member of the Colorado Association of Business Intermediaries (CABI), where she is a Past President and Past Chairman of the Education Committee.
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